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Become a more agile business in the Food industry

Reading time: 2 - 4 minutes

In the face of the current global pandemic, every business has been forced to re-evaluate and develop new ways for customers/staff to access their product/system.

Launching an online sales channel with Sana Commerce

Reading time: 1 minute

As many companies pivot their business model to a digitized selling model, the time to launch an online sales channel is now. Our E-commerce solution partner, Sana has developed a free handbook that we think would prove useful for you.


COVID-19 urges the food industry to adapt

Reading time: 2 - 3 minutes

During these unprecedented times, COVID-19 has completely changed our daily lives. The way that consumers are shopping to get those essential food items such as milk, bread and cleaning items has changed due to lockdown and social distancing measures being put into place. Many more are turning to online deliveries to get what they need but encounter long waits for deliveries, face long queues outside the supermarket and some empty shelves due to panic buying and stockpiling.

A sequel better than the original? Dynamics Sofa Summit II

Reading time: 1 - 2 minutes

On Wednesday 20th May, we are set to host Dynamics Sofa Summit II: Lockdown Continues and you’re invited! This time, our session tracks will be dedicated to more specific roles in areas of finance, supply chain, manufacturing and more.

Improve efficiency in your Building Materials business during Covid-19

Reading time: 2 - 4 minutes

Last month the whole of the UK was turned on their heads when the country was essentially shut down due to Covid-19. In the construction industry building sites up and down the country turned into ghost towns, with half-finished projects and building materials manufacturers and distributors not knowing when they would be back to ‘normal’. According to IHS Markit, 75% of manufacturers they surveyed in the last month reported a drop in activity due to Covid-19. Not surprising, to say the least.  

Change to Making Tax Digital for VAT

Reading time: 1 - 2 minutes

Companies now have more time to get their systems ready to submit their VAT return using ‘digital links’. This is particularly relevant to those using multiple systems and some form of ‘bridging solution’ (often a spreadsheet type solution).

3 Reasons Microsoft Teams works for our Marketing Team: beyond the obvious calling and video conferencing

Reading time: 2 - 4 minutes

In the current lockdown, lots of people are getting to know Microsoft Teams as a video conferencing tool but having used it daily for over 3 months, I’ve discovered it’s so much more than just a way to conduct meetings remotely!