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Offsite construction is the modernisation that the Building Materials sector craves

Reading time: 2 - 3 minutes

Modernisation and progressive thinking have now caught up with the UK’s Building Materials sector and there is undeniable growth in the popularity of the relatively novel offsite construction market.

Cut out the middle man and use integrated EDI to seize control in the Building Materials industry

Reading time: 1 - 2 minutes

Within business, there are two things that everybody wants to avoid: being slapped with a massive financial penalty and losing fresh new business opportunities.

Give your contractors, housebuilders and merchants the freedom to shop with an integrated website

Reading time: 1 - 2 minutes

The rate of technological change is always accelerating, so quickly in fact that humans genuinely don’t have enough capacity to react or even notice the latest innovation.

Poor quality control and traceability driving you up the wall?

Reading time: 1 - 2 minutes

Poor quality product can lead to poor quality service, which can cost you both your reputation with customers, whilst also increasing your cost of sale with returns, replacements and re-work.


Is accessing your valuable data more difficult than drawing blood from a stone?

Reading time: 1 - 2 minutes

You wouldn’t try to push water uphill with a rake, would you? No, so why bother swimming against the tide with your tired old business system in the Building Materials industry?

Why is customer service so important in the Building Materials Industry?

Reading time: 2 - 4 minutes

In the Building Materials Industry, you are destined to face some of the greatest business pressures and requirements of them all with so many project influencers involved, so it’s essential that you have a comprehensive business solution.