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Podcast episode 2: The changing world of Microsoft Dynamics projects delivery

Reading time: 1 - 2 minutes

In this second episode of Tecman Talks Dynamics, Directors James and Matt discuss how projects have significantly evolved due to the current times, which has made a considerable impact on how they are delivered to Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central/Microsoft Dynamics NAV customers.

In this 20-minute conversation, the duo explains how the last 12 months have seen the biggest shift. They explain how the pandemic, as it has in many other areas, accelerated the change to remote project delivery - a move many Tecman customers had already started on in recognition of the sometimes-prohibitive time and costs associated with always having consultants on-site.

As you delve into the podcast with James and Matt, you will hear their views on why remote working can be more valuable for your business. As Matt says, it’s all about giving clients "the right person, for the right project, for the right amount of time, rather than sending a busload of experts to one location for a whole day".

James and Matt also discuss:

  • how the 1000+ Dynamics apps from AppSource have changed the way projects are delivered - and paid for! As Matt puts it: "There's an app for everything nowadays and if you decide you don't need it anymore, you just cancel the subscription".
  • the age-old question of whether to upgrade or re-implement when moving from an older version of Dynamics NAV to Dynamics 365 Business Central and how the right licensing can help
  • how can we use Teams to improve project delivery and training (spoiler alert: lots of tips to help you maximise Teams for your business and improve communications around projects!).

So, tune in to this second episode of Tecman Talks Dynamics by clicking below or tune in on your podcast player of choice, to understand how the world of Dynamics projects is transforming.

Disclaimer – all information shared in this podcast is accurate for that time. However, due to the frequent changes with Dynamics 365 Business Central, some facts may become outdated.

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