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Manufacturing Execution System
for Dynamics 365 Business Central

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Real-time job tracking on the Shop Floor for improved visibility and scheduling for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.

With touch screens at every work centre, Clever MES by Clever Credit enables you to collect job information in real-time in Dynamics 365 Business Central – what’s started, running, paused, stopped or complete, etc. for improved visibility across the organisation.
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This App allows you to track what happens on the shop floor, focusing on who is working at which machine centres and the production orders they are working on. It records the time spent on each job, the scrap that they have had to post, the output and the consumption that they have posted to Dynamics 365 Business Central.
graphic of woman looking at graphs
Clever MES presents a dedicated portal, with a large touch-friendly interface, for use on tablets in the warehouse or on the shop floor so you can avoid having a PC in every area.

Interested in Manufacturing Execution System?

Contact us for more information for the apps certified for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central

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