It’s not unusual to see Dynamics NAV implementations that have 30+ modifications. Others though can include tens, if not hundreds, of changes. BUT…. the more modifications (aka customisations) you might implement, the harder it becomes to upgrade to exploit the new functionality in the latest version.
So when Microsoft launched Dynamics 365 Business Central, it brought in a new way of delivering customisations – with the best of both of worlds i.e. an approach that enabled changes to be easy to introduce (and remove as your business changes) and easy to upgrade.
And with more customers choosing to implement Dynamics 365 Business Central in the cloud, where major new releases are coming out every 6 months, the ability to easily upgrade just became a whole load more critical!
The only downside is that you can’t just take your current Dynamics NAV customisations straight over to Dynamics 365 Business Central. There’s work to be done to make that transition a success!